Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Time Management. The silent saboteur.

Good time management can make you fit.What I mean is if you can make time on a regular basis to ensure; there is healthy food in the house to create balanced meals, that those meals are being made, and that you are completing your planned workouts, than you are going to meet with fitness success unlimited. It is my experience that a lack of good time managment can sabotage even the most elaborate, professional, customized fitness and nutrition program that can be created. Even the highest quality foods and equipment will go to waste if we fail to find the time to use them.
I'm sure everyone has experienced this senario. What are we to do? I believe it all comes down to priorities. We have to commit to making time for the activities which will lead to the results that we are driven to acheive. We have to be willing to ruthlessly hold ourselves to our time commitments of face failure. I know of a client who schedules her cardio workouts with a friend so she is forced to show up so as not to let her friend down (and ultimately herself). Others will invest in hiring a coach to get them through their workouts. One personal stratagy that has worked for me is to register in a competition. I find that this gives more purpose and passion to my training. In the end, all of these strategies are about creating the "bigger picture". It's often not compelling enough for us to accomplish every scheduled meal and workout just for the sake of it. After all, there's always "tomorrow", right?! But when these actions become vital steps towards growing a friendship, or reaching a qualifying time, now that's motivating.

Sarah Heipel
Holistic Fitness Coach